Messe Duesseldorf Moscow cancelled CPM Collection, but offers a new concentrated format in September
Due to the Corona crisis, Moscow fairground Sokolniki Park, VDNKh Expo and the CPM-home premise EXPOCENTRE have been transformed into emergency hospitals, so Messe Duesseldorf Moscow announced that the CPM – Collection Première Moscow (1-4 September 2020) has had to be cancelled.
The next CPM – Collection Première Moscow is planned to take place on EXPOCENTRE
fairground in Moscow on 22-25th February 2021.
However, Messe Duesseldorf Moscow has come up with another event – the new concentrated fair in order placement format – s’elections moscow 2020 – to take place on 16-20th September 2020.
„We expect that s’elections moscow 2020 will be attended by Russian brands in particular, as well as by a variety of selected international brands that can be presented by their local and international teams. It will be possible to present about 300 brands on the halls floor area of 7.000 sqm. The information will soon be available at and on the new website,” the press release says.
Amelia Turp-Balazs
Redactor-șef al Dialog Textil (2006 – Prezent)
Absolventă a Facultății de Jurnalism și Științele Comunicării (Universitatea din București) - promoția 1996.
Peste 20 de ani de experiență ca jurnalist la Cotidianul, Jurnalul Național, Idei de Afaceri, The Business Review, Investment & Pensions Europe, Construction & Investment Journal.
Dialog Textil - unica revistă dedicată industriei de textile și confecții din România a fost regândită sub îndrumarea sa editorială, pentru a avea un concept dinamic, axat pe prezentarea afacerilor relevante din domeniu și pe informații din lumea modei și textilelor.