Un singur producător de măști în Iordania
În Iordania există doar doi producători de articole medicale, unul dintre ei este compania Arabella, care de curând a început să fabrice măști și combinezoane de protecție pentru populație. Compania a beneficiat în 2017 de sprijinul BERD și al Uniunii Europene pentru a-și îmbunătăți performanțele…
EBRD sees a substantial economic output contraction due to COVID-19
According to the EBRD, the Covid-19 pandemic is expected to result in a substantial output contraction of the regional economies. The measures taken by the governments in order to limit the spread of the virus „have severely affect domestic demand and domestic supply likely resulting…
EBRD has launched an emergency package of 1 billion euro
The EBRD, which invests in 38 emerging economies across three continents has launched an emergency package worth an Initial €1 billion to support companies in its countries suffering because of the crisis. According to the Bank’s economists, the pandemic will have a negative impact on economies across the…
EBRD steps up to support companies as Coronavirus crisis deepens
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is planning to step up its support for companies across its regions of operations to help them deal with the deepening impact of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. The Bank, which invests across 38 emerging economies, is preparing…
EBRD helps Tunisian shoemaker boost exports
Photo by Raoul Ortega on Unsplash The EBRD and the European Union (EU) supported Soprotic, a Tunisian shoemaker to establish a business strategy and increase its exports, the EBRD informs. The company used to work mainly as sub-contractors for other brands or retailers. The EBRD’s…