The Fairyland for Fashion Paris – 50% of Chinese exhibitors could not attend
The winter edition of The Fairyland for Fashion Paris has been hit by the exceptional circumstances of Coronavirus, which prevented almost 50% of the Chinese exhibitors from leaving their country to come to Paris. In some cases, the European agents of these Chinese companies were…
The smart phone is revolutionising textile cleaning
The trend towards online services is growing in the textile cleaning industry: consumers want to find suitable specialist companies quickly and easily, and process their cleaning orders as simply as possible, for example via an app. A high degree of process transparency in the company…
În aceste zile are loc târgul de îmbrăcăminte şi încălţăminte TINIMTEX Constanța
Târgul de îmbrăcăminte şi încălţăminte TINIMTEX Constanța are loc în aceste zile, în perioada 18 – 23 februarie. Evenimentul se desfăşoară la Pavilionul Expoziţional din staţiunea Mamaia şi reuneşte circa 115 de firme, producători şi comercianţi. Organizatorii au anunțat că 10% din totalul firmelor prezente la…
German technology at SIMAC 2020 Milano
This year, four manufacturers of shoe and leather technology will be presenting their products at SIMAC 2020 Milano as part of the VDMA Services joint participation. Efka – Frankl & Kirchner, Fortuna Spezialmaschinen, Global International B.V. and PMF GmbH Maschinenfabrikation are exhibiting their products on…
Gallery Shoes unveils side events
Gallery Shoes, the international trade show for shoes and accessories taking place between 8 and 10th of March at the Areal Böhler in Düsseldorf, has announced a wide series of side events. Each day there will fashion shows where the exhibitors will present the trends…
12,518 visitors at TV TecStyle Visions Stuttgart
262 exhibitors, including all relevant companies from the exhibition segments textiles and technology attended TV TecStyle Visions in Stuttgart, from 30 January to 1 February 2020. The trade fair for textile decoration and promotion proved its status as a leading trade fair for the European textile…
Interpack – The end of packaging as an environmental issue
Participants (both the 170,000 visitors and the 4,000 exhibitors) – at the interpack packaging exhibition (7-13 May 2020) will be able to contribute to the end of packaging as an environmental problem worldwide by expressing their support for the PUMA Manifesto (PUMA stands for Packaging…
Gallery SHOES Düsseldorf – fair preview
With around 600 brands (approx. 400 exhibitors) expected to attend, Gallery SHOES, from 8-10 March 2020 in Düsseldorf, will be providing a full overview of the market, an informative line-up of side events and plenty of inspiration in the form of trend forecasts and catwalk…
1.300 de branduri la CPM Moscova
Târgul CPM dedicat modei va lua startul pe 24 februarie la Moscova. Dintre brandurile românești prezente aici se numără Nissa cu colecțiile de modă pentru femei, precum și Jolidon, Prelude și Uniconf la secțiune de lenjerie și beachwear. CPM și-a stabilit pe piață reputația de…
PRINT&SIGN 2019, târgul de tipar digital pentru Europa de Sud-Est, a înregistrat o creştere de 20% a numărului de vizitatori
Cea de-a 15-a ediţie a PRINT&SIGN, târgul de tipar digital pentru Europa de Sud-Est, s-a bucurat de un real succes: numărul vizitatorilor a fost de peste 6000, ceea ce înseamnă o creştere cu 20% faţă de ediţia precedentă! Cei mai mulţi vizitatori au fost din…