Messe Duesseldorf Moscow cancelled CPM Collection, but offers a new concentrated format in September
Due to the Corona crisis, Moscow fairground Sokolniki Park, VDNKh Expo and the CPM-home premise EXPOCENTRE have been transformed into emergency hospitals, so Messe Duesseldorf Moscow announced that the CPM – Collection Première Moscow (1-4 September 2020) has had to be cancelled. The next CPM…
Romexpo investește aproape 3 miliarde de euro în modernizare
Cel mai mare centru expozițional din țară, Romexpo, se va transforma radical. Potrivit unui comunicat de presă, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie a României (CCIR) şi compania Iulius propun un proiect amplu în zona centrului expoziţional Romexpo, valoarea investiţiei fiind estimată la 2,87 de miliarde…
Sportswear event ISPO to organize a digital fair: ISPO Re.Start Days
As the international sports and outdoor industry is facing challenges, the ISPO team has decided to cancell OutDoor by ISPO 2020 and the ISPO SDG Summit. It also postponed the ISPO Digitize Summit. However, based on the feedback and needs of the industry stakeholders, ISPO developed…
The virtual fair Nextrade: More than 1,500 registered retailers and 250,000 articles
The current developments around the Covid-19 pandemic do not allow on-site trade fair meetings at the moment, which makes it difficult for exhibitors and trade visitors to maintain business relations during this time. Messe Frankfurt came with an online fair solution: the order and data…
Summer Nordstil 2020 nu se mai ține
După ce pe 1 aprilie anunțaseră că 80% din spațiile expoziționale ale târgului german Norstil sunt deja vândute, organizatorii au anunțat ieri că evenimentul s-a anulat. Hotărârea vine ca răspuns la recentele decizii ale guvernului german de a ține sub control pandemia de coronavirus, au anunțat…
German fashion and shoes fairs to go ahead at the end of August
Based on intensive discussions with other trade fair organisers and key industry players, as well as taking government regulations into consideration, IGEDO Company will be showcasing the entire spectrum of fashion and shoes at one joint event, taking place between 30 August and 3 September…
Tendence 2020 cancelled
In response to the worsening situation concerning the coronavirus pandemic and in view of the current challenges facing German and European retailers, Tendence 2020 has been cancelled. As a consequence of cancelling Tendence and to support the industry, Messe Frankfurt will be offering Nordstil in…
Sfârșitul colecțiilor de sezon?
Calendarele noilor colecții ale brandurilor europene se ajustează mai frecvent decât în trecut, potrivit unui studiu realizat pentru Première Vision de Institutul Francez de Modă.Primele piese ale colecțiilor de toamnă-iarnă ajung acum în magazine încă din mai, iar colecțiile de primăvară-vară încep să fie lansate…
Gallery Shoes goes ahead in spite of Covid 19
Following intensive consultation with the Federal Association of German Shoe Retailers (BDSE), the Federal Association of the German Footwear and Leather Goods Industry (HDS/L), as well as official permission from the public health authorities, the sixth edition of Gallery SHOES took place as scheduled from…
Over 20,000 professionals at CPM – Collection Premiere Moscow
1,375 brands from 30 countries were showcased to around 22,000 professional visitors from Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union during Collection Premiere Moscow. A total of 1,375 brands from 30 countries exhibited at 34th CPM Approx. 135 brands from 25 countries at ‘CPM Body & Beach’…